So, for women who want a fair shot at advancement, a word of advice: to the extent that you can choose whom to work for, if you are going to work for a married man, go with one who has a career-minded spouse. 所以,女性要想获得公平的升职机会,请接受这个建议:在你所能选择的范围之内,如果老板是已婚男性,记得先挑他的太太,职业女性最好。
Word of advice: Avoid street food. 忠告:不要吃街边食物。
A final word of advice when trying out LILO for the first time: I found it a lot safer to work out my LILO configuration using a floppy boot disk rather than my hard disk. 关于第一次尝试LILO的最后一点建议是:我发现使用软盘引导磁盘比使用硬盘实现LILO配置更为安全。
A word of advice: you don't have to be an expert in everything& nor can you. 这里给出一个建议,您不需要成为所有领域的专家,并且也不可能做到。
As you are leaving your alma mater, I have nothing to offer you as a gift except a word of advice. 你们现在要离开母校了,我没有什么礼物送你们,只好送你们一句话罢。
My last word of advice is a plan is a living document. 我最后的告诫是计划是一份活文件。
Well, word of advice, get up earlier to do some morning exercises. 给你一个建议,早晨早起一些做晨练。
A word of advice: if you plan to visit several of these popular sights during your next trip, consider purchasing the Paris Museum Pass. 友情提示:如果你计划在下次旅行时参观几个流行的景点,考虑买一个巴黎博物馆参观卡。
He was submissive to a word of advice. 凡是劝他的话,他没有不听的。
Yet he was as submissive to a word of advice as if he had been in constant terror. 可是他好像一直提心吊胆,我劝他的话,他没有不听的。
Michael Payne, the International Olympic Committee's head of marketing for the two decades to 2004, said that in meetings with top Beijing organisers he had stressed a single word of advice: smile. 2004年离任、在任上干了20年的国际奥委会(IOC)市场总监麦克尔•佩恩(MichaelPayne)表示,在与北京奥组委官员的会谈中,他强调了一个词:微笑。
Before you depart, let me give you a word of advice. 在你走之前,我给你一句忠告。
Based on their experience, Thailand offers a word of advice for other countries. 根据获得的经验,泰国主动向其它国家提出一点建议。
A word of advice may not be amiss here. 在这里奉劝一句大概没什么不妥吧。
If you could give potential applicants one word of advice, what would it be? 如果你给潜在申请人一个字的建议,那会是什么?
There was nobody to tell him, to hint him, to give him at least a word of advice. 没有人告诉他,或暗示他,或起码给他一句忠言。
A word of advice: next time you watch a place. 给你一个建议,如果下次你帮人看店。
Well, word of advice, don't spend hours chatting on the Internet during nights. 好,给你一个建议,晚上不要老是在网上聊天。
Well, word of advice, don't speak when you're eating. 给你一个建议,吃饭时不要说话。
Infoq: Any word of advice for the people that start using Open Source products for their SOA implementation? InfoQ:您可以为开始使用开源产品实施SOA的人们提供一些建议吗?
A final word of advice: Worry not about an intangible trait you may not have. 终极建议:不要为不拥、捉摸不透的特质而烦恼。